Reservations can send e-mails to patrons when the following events arise:

  • Check-in date for a checked-out piece of equipment is coming up;
  • Patrons missed their check-in date and their equipment is overdue;
  • Patrons missed their check-out date and their reservation has been deleted.

You can set the content of the e-mails that are sent out in Admin > Settings, under the heading Emails.



You can use the following content placeholders in the e-mail templates you create:

Placeholder Meaning
————- :————-:
@user@ The full name of the user.
@equipment_list@ The list of equipment that user either has reserved, missed, overdue, or checked out.
@reservation_id@ The id number of the reservation.
@department_name@ The department name set above.
@start_date@ The start date for the reservation.
@return_date@ The due date for the reservation.
@late_fee@ The daily late fee for the equipment model in the reservation.

These are also listed on the Admin > Settings page.

No advanced formatting is supported at this time.


### The e-mails aren’t sending. Pending

E-mails are sending for no good reason.
