This guide is a walk-through for the Reservations “Settings” page.

The Site Title is the name of the website as displayed in the upper-left corner of the top navigation bar, as well as in the title bar of your web browser. The title should be fewer than 20 characters in length, in order that the top navigation bar not become too crowded.

The Admin Email is the email address of the person who receives daily reports from Reservations regarding checkout/checkin irregularities (i.e., if a Checkout Person notes anything wrong with an item or reservation).

The Department Name is used in email correspondence with patrons. It is usually the name of your organization.

The Home Link Text is the text which will appear on links to your organization’s home page. For example, the text “Wikipedia” in “Wikipedia”.

The Home Link Location is the web address or URL of your organization’s home page.

The Contact Email is where messages submitted through the Contact Us form at the bottom of each page are sent to. Because Reservations uses a contact form rather than simply posting the contact email address, the address is afforded some degree of protection from computer bots and spam messages.

The Items Per Page setting indicates how many items should be displayed on the catalog page before items spill onto secondary pages.

It is possible to upload a Custom Favicon. This is helpful for maintaining a consistent branding and identity across your organization’s web domains.

When the Terms of Service change, the admin can force all patrons to accept the new terms of service before being eligible to check out new equipment by checking the Force all patrons to accept the TOS again? button near the bottom of the Settings page. Notifying users of changes in the Terms of Service may or may not be required by law in your jurisdiction; it’s probably best to err on the side of caution and check Yes whenever the Terms of Service change.